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Cardiff city players released

Merthyr Imp
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Cardiff city players released  - Page 2 Empty Re: Cardiff city players released

Post  Cyfarthfa Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:39 am

Good constructive post by Mr Men but Imp why are you always so defensive, the past is gone, yes we don't want that to happen again & the club has progressed beyond everyone's recognition & has to be Run on a sound business footing, but that does not mean everything is fine & every decision is correct, there is always room for improvement and this forum is a good sounding board to air our views & hopefully get some constructive responses and long may it continue.

Last edited by Paul1950 on Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:19 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post  scamp Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:44 am

l think doug has given a fair reflection as he sees things.To throw the onus back on him that elections are coming up and vacancies will arise is not the point.Every one has his or her private reasons not to stand to become a board member.In my case done it for forty years and to old in the tooth now as I want quite life.I returned from holiday and asked a friend of mine how his annual dinner went in Romans.Expecting a glowing report I had one of disappointment ,One of the reasons being the food the other being it was so overcrowded that by the time they were served the meals were cold.A lesson to be learned here perhaps.It has always been a problem getting people to help on committees etc .To tell someone vacancies will exit for board members which we already now is bit sarcastic .We all have private personal circumstances as much as we would like to makes it impossible


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Post  rustic Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:34 am

Yes the club is in a far better position I am not saying that and what as been achieved is great.I repeat one as the right to post their opinion,and don't forget there was a hell of a lot of people worked hard to keep the club going then and are still helping in various ways.It seems if you don't toe the party line you are against the club I can assure you in my case it is definitely not.


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Post  Merthyr Imp Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:00 am

Yes, there are many things that could be improved - I can think of lots, including in my own area of involvement - and maybe not all decisions are correct, but the main point which I'm always trying to get across is that everyone has a chance to improve things themselves, either by directly making those improvements or by helping out in even small ways that will free up others to do so.

As for elections to the Board, my point is the opportunity is there for changes to be made unlike the days of 10 years ago that I mentioned, if not by standing for election yourself then by voting for someone else you think would do a better job than the present incumbents.

Merthyr Imp
Merthyr Imp

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Post  douggolfer Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:13 am

OK let's look at a few of the points raised so far!!!! Mr Man states he's not concerned about the club closing early
he then puts the case for more money being generated from a private party to add to the pocket of the 1st team (valid point you might think) we'll let's analyse his next point
Regarding the season ticket being reduced by £45 and £ 25 ...... when the reduction was made public I could not believe it, as far as I know nobody complained about the season ticket price!!!! I actually inquired why the increase was justified in the first place and the answer I was given was it was due to extra games (no problem) let's look at the  reduction in depth, I did a little mathematical excise based on 106 season ticket sales, (106 was the figure I was given as a base point)
106 ×195=20,670
106× 145=15,900
a loss of £4,770 just on the full season tickets, I have the figures for the concessionary if required !!!!! when I presented this at one of those hourly meetings we use to have once upon a time I was told It was to give something back to the fans!!!! (Talk about  shooting yourself in the foot a month or so later bar prices rise by 5%) before anyone gets carried away with but reduction will sell extra tickets !!!!( Well reduce the beer prices then!!!) for the club to break even on season tickets it would have to sell 25,5 more tickets !!!!! so Mr Man do we class this as good business sense,.
I never implied that Gavin should be tweeting football related issus,what I stated was there seemed a lot more going on  regarding business issues then football !!!! we currently employ a person who deals with the posting of such information,
Look it should not be all about standing for the board, the board should take into account the feelings of the owners
and supports, its OK to say we'll close  Webleys next home game without considering the consequence.
because our local M P is not doing what we voted him/her in to do doesn't mean we all run for Parliament,
I was unable to make the last owners meeting (hols) I never received a copy of the meeting minutes nor have I been able to receive board meeting mins, when I approached this subject with the club I was told must be in your spam
(don't eat spam) whatever still not received any information regarding club matters and I'm not the only one experiencing this problem!!!!!
I also feel it as nothing to do with toeing the party line if you take someone's money for ownership then you can not class them as criticising decisions when they feel a need !!!! There are many passionate supports who have been through thick and thin to keep the club going I've seen the bar boys on a Friday night  in strickers having a whip round to help pay players wagers that's what this club means to so meny!!!!
I can understand the C E O as to ensure money is coming in to cover the amount being paid out,what we have to remember is we can not keep adding and adding to the wage bill because even the widest rivers can run dry.
I'm going to end on this!!!! perhaps we can drop the use of the term criticism and adopted passionate wouldn't that be nice.


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Post  Mr Men 1969 Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:40 am

So according to that mathematical exercise, last year we sold 106 Adult season tickets and 0 senior season tickets. And the season tickets are 150 not 145. I can already see the flaw in these figures.

I have absolutely no idea how many we have sold this season but I can assume we have sold more. I can't answer that. Maybe it makes more business sense to open the bar to people that could spend money there all night rather than shutting up shop at 7/8?

Agree to disagree on this I think.

Mr Men 1969

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Post  douggolfer Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:20 pm

I do apologise the figures were set on the £150 factor and yes 106 was the figure I was quoted regarding full tickets
I was never offerd a figure for senior sales,
Im sorry but try telling that to the guys who use the club every home game, cold winter time and there is no room at the inn!!!! welcome to all.


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Post  Merthyr Imp Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:00 pm

I could be wrong, but I think I've seen it mentioned somewhere that 140 season tickets were sold for the current season.

Merthyr Imp
Merthyr Imp

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Post  douggolfer Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:15 pm

Hope your right, last time I asked which was last month I believe 123 was mentioned, but let's hope the higher figure is correct


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Cardiff city players released  - Page 2 Empty Re: Cardiff city players released

Post  scamp Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:24 pm

It seems there are a lot of supporters unhappy at closing the webley bar on match days.Easily rectified at the next owners meeting a proposition be put forward either Romans or Webleys be open when we are home.The board acting for the owners will be obliged to carry out such instructions from the members.


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Post  Mr Men 1969 Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:38 pm

Fair enough point with the statistics although a breakdown of senior tickets would give an accurate conclusion I suppose.

There are some interesting scenarios being put in place here.

Scenario 1.
A £45 decrease in your season ticket. Although on ONE fixture during the season you can use Webley's for over 4 hours but in the evening the Club earns a few grand more than it would normally, or whatever it may be.

Scenario 2.
An increase of £45 for your season ticket and access to Webley's all season but stopping the Club from earning a few grand, or whatever it may be for ONE night in the season.

An interesting one.

Mr Men 1969

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Post  scamp Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:08 pm

If scenario 2 was implemented would supporters like me who go straight home after the game continue to buy a season ticket


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Cardiff city players released  - Page 2 Empty Re: Cardiff city players released

Post  CF34martyr Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:42 pm

Paul1950 wrote:Good constructive post by Mr Men but Imp why are you always so defensive, the past is gone, yes we don't want that to happen again & the club has progressed beyond everyone's recognition & has to be Run on a sound business footing, but that does not mean everything is fine & every decision is correct, there is always room for improvement and this forum is a good sounding board to air our views & hopefully get some constructive responses and long may it continue.

Spot on!

I don't often post on the forum as I reserve my opinions until I have something to say about a subject that I feel strongly about.
The right to ask valid questions about the club is one such subject. Especially so if you are not an "owner",and have no opportunity to attend the meetings. I'm one of the aforementioned season ticket holders,so i'm not a fair weather fan either,and have the best interest of the the club at heart.
The forum should be a place to exchange information,and also where fans can voice an opinion on other matters relating to the club. As long as it doesn't get personal,there shouldn't be any issues,as there's nothing wrong with healthy debate.However, it does seem sometimes that the minute someone steps outside the box,they are targets for the "positive posts only" squad. I found that out with a post regarding the lack of progress in toilet facilities away from the main building,and I eventually got the answers I was looking for,via the forum.

Perhaps once in a while it's worth finding out what the perception is of the the club's current direction and situation,as viewed by the ordinary fans who stand on the terraces,week in, week out. Remember,this is the only outlet to voice our opinions.
As various people have said,we've made excellent progress since reforming,but things are not perfect at the club by any means,and there shouldn't be any fallout over asking about squad deficiencies,or why we can't supply a full bench for a league game.

There's an old army saying,sometimes, you have to ask stupid questions........ or you will remain stupid!!!


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Post  Mr Men 1969 Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:23 pm

From what I've been reading over the last couple of years, I don't necessarily think that I've noticed a "postie posts" only rule on here.

But I have noticed some baffling posts from individuals which is why I decided to post about some balanced views and perspective before they thrive on another rant but nowhere to be seen when it's all rosey.

Opinions are opinions but before blowing a fuse, take a step back first and analyse the scenarios from all sides. Common sense surely?

Anyway....yes I think the toilet facilities and grandstand should be the next priority. 1000% agree with that! It takes time and money so it's worth asking the question to see what is being pursued at this moment and await an answer, before we all blow a lid and say it's a shambles etc

Mr Men 1969

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Post  douggolfer Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:07 am

scamp wrote:If scenario 2 was implemented would supporters like me who go straight home after the game continue to buy a season ticket

Just a quickie did you buy a season ticket when it cost£195!!!!!

a season ticket as no bearing on the fact that the social club is open or not, lots of supports bought season tickets when we played a Taffswells,

When the meetings regarding the new build were in the latter stages of completion it was stated if a function was to large for Romans then Webleys would be used and romans would become the supports bar, it was also mentioned one area was to be used as the supports area !!!!!

I notice from the latter posts there are questions regarding what is being pusured by the board regarding the football side ( I include ground structures in this narrative) if we look at some of the ear!y post regarding social media information It was pointed out that there is a lack of football related issues, matters such as toilets and stands should be in the boards future plans, if they are it's not difficult to give it a mention on social madia or via minutes!!!!!

I'm of a belief that at the moment some board members are of the opinion if its doesn't bring in money is it worth spending time on ???? it should never be taking this length of time to place our memorabilia back on the walls, the frustration occurs when information is not forth coming , I believe if business maters can by posted so frequently then so should football related issues.


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Post  Merthyr Imp Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:44 am

douggolfer wrote:
I'm of a belief that at the moment some board members are of the opinion if its doesn't bring in money is it worth spending time on ???? it should never be taking this length of time to place our memorabilia back on the walls, the frustration occurs when information is not forth coming , I believe if business maters can by posted so frequently then so should football related issues.

A couple of points. The more money that is brought in the more there will be available to spend on the playing budget which is what we all want.

I agree about there sometimes being a lack of information. Last season, for example, we had a fairly regular issue of a newsletter - given out in hard copy at matches as well as appearing on the Internet - but we haven't seen one for some time. Now, I haven't enquired about this, but my guess is that the person who was responsible for producing it hasn't had the time recently, and with no-one else to do it, it hasn't got done.  But if someone else was to come forward and take the task on it would get done.  

The point I'm always trying to make is there are many improvements that could be made to how the club is run - but it needs someone to do them. There is nothing to stop anyone from lending a hand in all kinds of areas to make things better. As an example, there is a section on the club's website which I feel needs to be improved, but rather than just point it out and expect someone else to put it right I mean to submit the improvement myself - when I get a chance to.  

On that latter note, to read any further comments from me on this whole subject of helping run the club people will have to wait until the match programme for the St Neots game on 17th December to read them.  Won't that be worth spending £2.00 on? It won't? Oh well, I hope the rest of the programme will be.

Mind you, Boz summed the whole thing up in one sentence:

'We all own our Club and all can help in whatever way we can.'
Merthyr Imp
Merthyr Imp

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Post  Mr Men 1969 Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:55 am

From my point of view, my nephew didn't buy a season ticket for 195 but he bought one for 150. If we did get around 40 or so extra season tickets in this season then that is surely a good thing?

I do agree with the content in regards to the business/football side but let's take a perspective step back "again". I'm not of the young lads working hours on the social media side of things, let's assume it's 9-5? In regards to on the pitch matters, the first team train in the evenings and if I was Gav I would want the squad during that short space of time for as long as possible. I've seen the odd video pop up this season but is he lad volunteering his time to do so? Again I can't answer that so I'm assuming that access to the playing staff is restricted. The rigours of Non-League and part time I suppose.

In terms of stadium infrastructure and plans etc, I can definitely see your point there but maybe it might be worth adding to the agenda of board meetings an owners questions section? As everyone is aware, the content of information for owners is confidential and is not to be shared with anyone. I'd feel more comfortable with a fan's owners question section in a board meeting rather than plastering it all over Twitter etc.

Mr Men 1969

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Post  Twyn Jasper Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:28 am

I am only asking, I do not wish to insult or upset anyone as I tend to do. I have not been there BUT is there an executive/players/sponsors lounge that may be suitable if people wish to stay behind after the game whilst the other larger venues are being used for seasonal functions?

Twyn Jasper

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Post  Merthyr Imp Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:26 am

Twyn Jasper wrote:. I have not been there BUT is there an executive/players/sponsors lounge that may be suitable if people wish to stay behind after the game whilst the other larger venues are being used for seasonal functions?  

As far as I know there are only the Hospitality 'Boxes', or rooms, but the last I saw, all but the smallest of the four were already booked for this Saturday's match. Maybe the fourth is also booked by now. There is also the Boardroom, but I imagine the visiting club's officials would be making use of that until their team leaves.
Merthyr Imp
Merthyr Imp

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Post  douggolfer Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:17 am

I believe theses boxes are only suitable for a small number of people, also there are no bar facilities.still no room at the inn!!!!

Regarding the media lad he is fulltime, but I feel he is hugely over worked , I ask why some people are not receiving news letters,board minutes and owners meeting minutes, not had reply the guy as no time, there are a few like him working way over the hours to keep services going !!!!!


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Post  Mr Men 1969 Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:48 am

That could be the case. I suppose all of the working staff are finding it very busy now that the facility is open and judging by what I'm hearing it seems as though a lot of different functions are getting booked there all the time.

It's seems that the day to day running is taking up the time currently. I suppose this where the extra volunteers would come in handy to help in certain ways if they can.

Mr Men 1969

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Post  douggolfer Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:31 am

Best of luck on the volunteer front .


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Post  Twyn Jasper Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:46 am

As with all pubs and clubs, when you get out of the habit of going out or staying behind to socialize and have a drink as in our case! Do you ever start back or have you lost that custom for all time? and or continue to go to a new place that might appreciate your custom?

Twyn Jasper

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Post  douggolfer Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:04 pm

There have been a number of empty seat in the club over the last few home games, not only is it expensive, it can be difficult to get a drink if there is a big crowed in the club


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Post  Cyfarthfa Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:15 pm

Mr Men 1969 wrote:

But I have noticed some baffling posts from individuals which is why I decided to post about some balanced views and perspective before they thrive on another rant but nowhere to be seen when it's all rosey.

Opinions are opinions but before blowing a fuse, take a step back first and analyse the scenarios from all sides. Common sense surely?

First, I've been complimentary to u on a previous post saying your post was constructive, but have to say I can't agree with your comments above. I for one have not gone on a Rant, just posted what I considered a legitimate question/opinion for Debate. Second , When the team has done well particularly away from home  I have posted on numerous occasions  a well done to the players, management etc. I also commended the Board on achieving the Grant to carry out the superb renovations at PP & recently commented on the superb effort of the Walking Football Team who represented the Town in Hartlepool, so I don't hide when things are Rosey as u put it, far from it!

It's healthy to have an honest debate on this forum and I for one always consider carefully what I have to say, we may not always agree but at least it shows that we the passionate supporters have the club at heart and should not be afraid to air our views, I've supported the Club every season since 1954 thro good & bad times & there have been many Bad times I can tell you, but whether you agree or not with my opinion all I ask is that it should be respected and responded to accordingly.


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