Merthyr Town FC
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Merthyr Met Match

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Merthyr Met Match Empty Merthyr Met Match

Post  Boz1964 Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:06 pm

Merthyr Met Match

After several weeks of watching my garden grass grow, I realise that the close season is nearly over and that the time for Summer weeding and feeding is almost at it's end.

However, as one season ends a conundrum looms larger for our Manager Gavin Williams, as he is just about to start his own version of pruning.

With the Senior squad on a pre-season friendly to 'Ivy League', Cardiff Metropolitan University, he could have hardly a better place to 'study' form than this wonderful sporting venue.

Now, as I have stated before on this Forum, pre-season results are of little significance whereas performances are and today, Town were given a footballing 'lesson' by Cardiff Metropolitan.

If the Management had expected their hosts to be the 'Open University' they were totally wrong.

On the day, to a man, they were head and shoulders above our players and not just in height either, as they were well drilled, looked fitter and stronger in all departments, with the 3-0 final scoreline being clear evidence of the 'third degree' scrutiny, our players had been put under.

It is no good playing teams from lower leagues and drubbing them comprehensively- as you learn much more in defeat than you ever do from winning - and today was a real 'examination' against 'mature students' who were much UWICer to the ball than our own players.

But you also have to put this result in context- you have to remember that this organisation is run as a centre of sporting excellence, whereas our lads have jobs and family commitments to juggle in busy lives.

Off-pitch events too haven't helped and in the Post-Pricexit fall-out, some of this unsettling atmosphere must have found its way to the pitch, as it didn't take long for the Merthyr players to imitate the Board Room and local hostelries and start criticising teammates and fellow Martyrs instead of working things out together as one.

On the side of the pitch there was however, only one 'University Dean' - whose vocal chords at 40 have just come to life, as he bellowed in Hereford Bullhorn at his players, encouragement, positional changes and warnings that 'Cassandra-like' came to pass.

My Wife, herself a coach in a different sporting field, was impressed with his passion and footballing foresight.

The first goal from the Met came- as predicted by Deano- from a lack of pressure on a throw-in  from deep inside the Archers own half, and a well worked move by the Cardiff side via their impressive number 8 midfielder - who I believe was called Baker- well he definitely was wearing a 'bun' on his head anyway- was finished from close range by their principal striker- number 9- Roscrow for the first of his brace.

Now the Merthyr 'heads' didn't drop, as the experimental Young Guns tried their best to get on equal terms and almost did so from the tenacity and quick feet of Ian Traylor on the right wing.

He was a constant thorn in the side of the Met and bar for the three officials, hear no evil, see no evil and flag-no evil, would have had a string of fouls awarded for pushes and kicks and an inevitable goal for his valiant efforts.

One thing that SuperGav and Clarkie must have realised from this display,  is that Stuart Fleetwood needs support and that the 'Uni-tit' approach of only one up front doesn't work unless he gets supporting runners,  which first half were non-existent.

The second and decisive goal came just before half-time, after a series of probing challenging questions from 'Bamber Gascoigne' Lam- their classy winger.

Again, it was from close range and was a clinical finish.

I can only assume Bamber Lam was the child of Black Betty that Ram Jam warned about in the 1970's.

As the players came off the pitch, the Cardiff Met had their own new Toxophilite-( Ownes - one for you to look up) in the shape of this Merthyr Fan- as they were really impressive all over the pitch.

With the half-time score 2-0, there didn't look any way that Town would come back into the match with the current line-up of personnel.

At half-time, on to the field came trialist Geri Williams of ScampWorld alternative reality fame and within the first ten minutes his wing wizardry and creativity should have been rewarded with at least two goals as he made inroads behind their fullback and provided great crosses that if we had a player over the height of five foot and a Welshcake in stature, then we would surely have been level.

Regrettably, our Fellowship of the Ring players despite being 'campused' in the University half for long semesters, could not beat the stalwart defending of Home centre half, Emlyn Lewis, who was more solid on the ground than a Metpost.

My wife remarked how subdued the Merthyr players were in comparison to the students, who were very vocal , had more stars than Vyvvian off the Young Ones and played with a smile on their faces as they seemed to know instinctively with an almost telepathic understanding, where their teammates would be on the pitch.

Whereas in contrast, Merthyr played like strangers ( but that is the natural consequence of trialists and errors) and were like a Trappist monk karaoke party looking like they wished they were still on a beach as contestants on Love Island.

With one exception that is- the tattooed figure of defender Adam Davies, who stood louder and prouder than a Gareth Thomas football documentary.

And when Scott Tancock was restored to defence they looked equally impenetrable too.

Until that is, enter stage left, the in-form Adam Roscrow to slam his second goal inside a gap smaller than a Cyfarthfa Park Retail Parking Space off the woodwork.

As the Archer's third arrow hit the back of the net, SuperFan and Blackwood's second greatest export -the Roving Sheep- sat in the bar spilled his pint of Strongbow, just as he was in the middle of God Blessing the student prices (if not the Meurig or Rob ones).

The Manic Sheep Preacher was doing his best 'Forza Martyrs' trying to convert more football fans from Cardiff to the ways of Penydarren Park Chapel End and seek a Good Friday Peace Agreement with a 'View' to encouraging disillusioned fans to end the threatened 'fireworks' and not to 'Mortar the Board' at the forthcoming 'owners' meeting.

A very 'Nobel' Act indeed.

If nothing else good emerges from the match then SuperGav and Clarkie owe Cardiff Met a 'huge student debt' in highlighting our on the pitch weaknesses ,   which will be vital if Merthyr are to continue to 'progress through stability'.

Let's hope we learn our lessons now on Season's Eve- so it is Merthyr Town that can emerge from our current 'fugue' as graduates with 'First Class Honours' come-what next  May.

Today- Merthyr had certainly met their match.


Last edited by Boz1964 on Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Dissertation errors)

Posts : 2405
Join date : 2012-10-08

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